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Unlocking opportunities at Fabamaq with rewarding employee perks

At Fabamaq, investing in our Gamers is key to foster talent and nurture a culture of growth, well-being and community. In this article, we tell you all about the benefits that reflect our dedication to empower our teams to reach their full potential personally and professionally.

Through our People Management programs and Gamer perks, Fabamaq provides opportunities for growth, skill development, and work-life balance that enable our team members to thrive. Keep reading to learn more!

Fabamaq adds new employee perks that boost talent retention

We recognize the importance of creating an environment where our Gamers feel valued, supported and inspired to excel at creating the best casino games. Therefore, we developed a benefits strategy that takes into consideration our Gamers' needs.

1. Boosting knowledge through graduation initiatives

At Fabamaq, we understand the importance of continuous learning and professional development in the Tech Industry. To make this easier, we implemented various initiatives to boost knowledge among our team members:

Knowledge Sharings

We believe in the power of knowledge sharing and continuous improvement. That's why we offer regular Knowledge Sharing presentations and debates at our software house, providing opportunities to learn from each other and stay ahead of the curve.

FMQ Graduation

As part of our commitment to enrich our Gamers' experiences in the world of technology, we offer an individual and team FMQ Graduation budget that they can spend on learning materials, courses, workshops and more.

fabamaq software house game developer programming casino game
AT FMQ, our Game Developers program casino games from start to finish, ensuring a seamless gameplay experience for the final customer.

Free Language Classes

We recognize the importance of language skills in today's globalized world. That's why we offer free language classes to our employees, enabling them to enhance their communication abilities and engage fluently with key markets where we operate.


Fabamaq is invested in supporting the technological landscape in Porto, as we believe everyone deserves a chance at grabbing a career jackpot. That's why we offer Curricular, Professional, SWITCH program internships to new Gamers, as a way of boosting their career development opportunities further down the line.

2. Level Up Program: more perks according to company years

At the beginning of 2024, Fabamaq developed a full-on incentives plan to reward its internal audience with extra perks that made them feel valued, appreciated and cherished for being a part of the community throughout the years. The Level Up Program was launched on the company's 14 years' birthday celebration and it is divided into three chapters:

Extra vacation days

At Fabamaq, we understand the significance of taking time off to recharge, so we offered more vacation days to our Gamers according to their company years, ensuring they can rest and unwind, promoting their work-life balance.

More Graduation incentives

We believe in celebrating achievements and milestones. As part of our Level Up Program, we provided a bigger budget for the individual FMQ Graduation, along with the team graduation budget, allowing even better access to in-person or digital educational courses, workshops, conference participations, degrees and much more.

fabamaq software house mentoring and leadering program for employees
Fabamaq continues to foster a culture of knowledge sharing between its internal audience as a way to improve the overal result of its casino gaming creations.

A bonus with extra Power-Ups

To recognize and reward loyalty and dedication, we offered extra Coverflex Power-Ups based on the number of years each Gamer has been working at the company. This serves as an incentive for long-term commitment and boosts a sense of belonging within our organization.

3. Talent Development Programs: Leadership, Coaching, Mentoring Sessions for Career Progression

We are committed to nurturing talent and encouraging professional growth. Through our Leadership, Coaching, and Mentoring programs, we provide our employees with the tools, resources and support they need to advance their careers and reach their full potential.

fabamaq software house girl in brainstorming coaching mentoring session office
Brainstorming initiatives and focus groups are often handled at Fabamaq to guarantee that the best ideas come to life in the world of casino gaming.

4. Flexible work to boost happiness and productivity

Flexibility and autonomy are key at Fabamaq to create engaging casino games that stand out in the global casino gaming market. That is why we offer a flexible work model, according to the team, department and company years.

Timewise License

To support work-life balance and prevent a burnout, we offer sabbaticals to our employees, allowing them to take extended time off to pursue personal interests, recharge and come back refreshed and inspired.

Hybrid Work Model

Whether it is from the comfort of their home or in the office collaborative environment, we empower our team members to find a balance that suits their individual needs.

5. Limitless benefits in one single Coverflex Card

Nourishing both body and mind is relevant in boosting health and productivity in the workplace. That's why we provide meal allowance in Coverflex cards, ensuring they have access to nutritious meals throughout the workday, while giving them the freedom to spend that wage however they like.

In addition to our standard perks, we offer extra Power-Ups to help cover other expenses. From technology to health, our partnerships and discount deals provide our employees with exclusive savings and benefits.

6. Free Sports: promoting health and team-building through exercise

At Fabamaq, we believe in the power of sports to promote physical and mental well-being. Consequently, we offer a variety of free sports and activities, including Padel, Futsal, Volleyball, Sanda Boxe, Mind & Body classes and much more, allowing our Gamers to stay active, healthy and connected.

We do it not only on our universe but also within Porto's technological community by participating in external events such as the Porto Tech Hub's tournaments.

7. International Trips & Training

We recognize the value of continuous learning and personal development. Through international trips and training opportunities, we provide our employees with the chance to meet new casino gaming markets, expand their horizons, gain new perspectives, and enhance their soft and hard skills.

8. Free Coffee & Food

Indulging in a cup of brewed coffee or grabbing a quick bite at FMQ fuels productivity and creates bonds. We keep working towards ensuring our team members have a vibrant and energetic work environment.

fabamaq software house kitchen copa station corporate office
Break times are vital for our Gamers to have some time to relax and connect. Our ground 0 floor is the perfect spot for networking! 

9. Health and Life Insurance

Recognizing the importance of prioritizing health and well-being, Fabamaq offers comprehensive health and life insurance coverage to its employees. From routine medical expenses to unforeseen emergencies, our insurance plans provide peace of mind, ensuring that our team members and their families are adequately protected against any health-related challenges that may arise.

10. Company Events

At FMQ, we believe in the power of coming together, not only to work but also to celebrate milestones, forge connections and create lasting memories. We handle engaging company events, including:

11. Solidarity Corner

Last but not least, we believe in making a positive impact not only within our organization but also in the communities we serve. Our Solidarity Corner is dedicated to support charity causes, promote social responsibility and empower our team members to contribute meaningfully to society. Through volunteer programs, donation drives and awareness campaigns, we strive to create a more inclusive and compassionate world.

At Fabamaq, our commitment to employee growth and well-being extends beyond the workplace. Through our Level Up Program, Talent Development initiatives and comprehensive benefits package, we strive to create a supportive and empowering environment where our Gamers can thrive professionally and personally.

Looking for a career jackpot? Join Fabamaq now

Fabamaq has numerous IT job openings across different areas of operation. Whether your expertise lies in game art, game development, sound design, product management or software development, there are tons of opportunities to explore. Do not miss out on what could be the jackpot of your career!

Grab an IT job and give your career a spin!

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