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There are 4 new developments in FMQ's people management

Psychological support, support for the education of employees' children, sharing legal information, and personal development are the goals of FMQ's 4 latest people management programs. "Therapeutic Reinforcement," "Net Support," "Law Info," and "Grow with Coaching" were created to help our Gamers find a better balance in managing their personal and professional lives during this period of telecommuting.

FMQ's transition to telecommuting brought about several changes, with people and emotional management being one of the biggest challenges. In the initial phase, we focused on transforming people management programs into a purely digital model. Mentoring and Talent Development programs were adjusted to continue fulfilling their purposes of professional and personal development.

Simultaneously, we conducted and continue to conduct weekly surveys to monitor the evolution of employees' motivation and psychological dimensions. From the data collected in this survey, the 4 response programs covering different areas and needs emerged.


Anxiety control and emotional management are the priorities of this psychological support program. The transition to telecommuting resulted in different responses from each employee, and this program seeks to support cases of difficult adaptation. "Therapeutic Reinforcement" works through various phases that involve identifying profiles, diagnosing individual difficulties, and designing an intervention plan.

In the intervention plan, the focus is on anxiety control and the application of coping mechanisms as an adaptive response to the stress-inducing situation. The program is coordinated by a professional certified by the Order of Psychologists in individual digital sessions. A follow-up will be conducted at the end for situation reassessment and program impact analysis.


Working from home is a double challenge for many of FMQ's Gamers. In addition to the usual professional challenge, they also face the constant and attentive supervision of their children. "Net Support" seeks to reduce the impact of this reality by suggesting activities for employees' children, covering different ages and areas (reading, cooking, games, drawings, among others). "Net Support" also collaborates with a kindergarten teacher who provides weekly activity suggestions and inputs to the company's employees.


The transition to a telecommuting work context changes how people relate to companies and the outside world. "Law Info" includes a newsletter aimed at keeping people updated on relevant topics for their professional and personal routines. In addition to the information shared once a week (about a decree or law), "Law Info" also provides clarification on other issues via email.


"Grow with Coaching" focuses on developing skills that help employees achieve their personal and professional goals. Open to all company employees, the program begins with dialogue and a relationship of trust between coach and coachee, from which goals, dreams, and perspectives to be achieved are established.

"Grow with Coaching" then works to guide coachees in problem-solving, favouring their self-awareness and contributing to increased productivity. Changing mindset, improving interpersonal relationship management, and developing self-confidence are other purposes of the program. Throughout the process, coach and coachee work with different tools. Examples include Personal SWOT analysis, Insight, or the Timeline.

With these 4 programs, we want to convey a clear message that FMQ's concern for the well-being of its people goes beyond the employment relationship. And proof of this is that through these initiatives, we have been able to contribute to non-professional areas of our Gamers' routines, such as childcare. If you want to learn more about how we develop games for casinos or get to know our culture better, click here

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