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FMQ helps families this Christmas season

The most magical time of the year is near and Fabamaq had something in store for this festive season. This week, along with the organization Corrente do Bem, we donated several goods to be distributed among several families living in the Porto region.

Christmas means taking a step back, reflecting on gratitude and most of all connecting. This year, at Fabamaq we wanted to go further and give back to the community by creating a meaningful impact on people from Porto. Keep reading to learn about the Caring Christmas action.

All about Fabamaq’s Caring Christmas initiative

Making a positive impact is always at the top of our Christmas wish list and these solidarity gestures are already part of our tradition. That’s why we joined Corrente do Bem, a social organization that partners with companies that act as pick-up points for the distribution of essential goods, to help ensure the well-being of several families.

Our Gamers had an active role in this social initiative by donating food goods and clothing, making their contribution essential to make this activity a success. Learn more about these donations in the section below!

Groceries and clothing to rise the Christmas spirit 

During the first two weeks of December, our Gamers had a reserved spot at Fabamaq’s office to leave donated goods which were later collected by the solidarity institution, in order to be expedited to the assigned families.

Rice, pasta, milk, olive and vegetable oils, cookies and biscuits, cereals, canned goods, children’s food, jackets, trousers, sweaters and sneakers were offered to Portuguese families, bringing comfort and joy to these families during the Christmas period.

“Fabamaq was born and raised in Porto and for us it’s a pleasure to give back to the community that helped us growing, by implementing these initiatives. The solidarity actions are already part of Fabamaq’s Christmas calendar, and a tradition that we are very proud to keep and stimulate in our culture”, affirms João Maia, Chief Operations Officer at Fabamaq.

All the initiatives developed with the goal of promoting social and economic changes are deeply connected to Fabamaq's values. Proximity, sharing and commitment are three examples of the company’s core values, being perfectly portrayed in the spirit of this action conducted by Fabamaq and Corrente do Bem.

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