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Participantes do Invictvs Game Jam tornaram-se colabroadores na Fabamaq

When Invictvs attendees become Fabamaq Gamers

There are many reasons to attend a Game Jam. It can be your friends, the sharing spirit, the challenge, the theme of the event or even a professional opportunity. In the cases of Mário Graça and Diogo Portela, there was no clue suggesting that after attending Invictvs Game Jam, both would become Fabamaq’s Gamers. Their competence and willingness resulted in this end and we spoke with them to understand how this happy coincidence happened:


Mário Graça’s interview (Graphic Designer at Fabamaq)


How was your first contact with Fabamaq?

In 2017 I returned to Portugal from the Netherlands, where I did my internship. On one of my visits to Porto, I printed my CV and distributed it to some companies that raised my attention and Fabamaq was one of them. 

Fabamaq was still operating in its old office and I visited the company. In the same year, the company organized Invictvs Game Jam, so I made contact with the company atmosphere again. It allowed me to do some networking and have a better perception of the relationship that existed between the people working there. Everything was very relaxed and I got the image of a very young, dynamic and informal company. I also spoke with people from different teams and got to know better Fabamaq’s culture.

Why did you attend Game Jams at that time?

I started attending Game Jams not only to create my portfolio but also to do networking and know more people connected with game development or companies operating in this area. Before the Invictvs Game Jam, I also attended another Game Jam which had Fabamaq’s sponsorship - “Game Jam no Museu".

You started working for another company. How did Fabamaq reenter your life?

In 2018 I moved to Porto and started working for another company with a design role. I attended the Game Dev Meets sponsored by Fabamaq regularly and there I had the pleasure to meet Vera Bravo. She was representing the company and asked me to send my CV again with the portfolio updated, so she could give me an answer then.

After a few weeks, I got a call from Vera saying they appreciated my work. They wanted to schedule an interview with me and I did it without any expectations. It was a great experience and after a few days they called me again with a proposal to start working at Fabamaq.

What is the image that you keep from Invictvs and how do you see this comeback?

Invictvs Game Jam was the most organized Game Jam that I attended and also the one presenting a complete program. There were a lot of activities in a great location, good food and a professional organization. It’s strange and good to see this comeback. I was only an attendee creating games during 48 hours without sleeping. Now, I will be on the other side, the organization side. It’s an unique experience and it will be a new way of living this event.

Diogo Portela’s interview (Graphic Designer at Fabamaq)

Did you know Fabamaq before Invictvs Game Jam? How did you end up participating in the event?

Yes, I already knew it. I had visited the company before attending the game jam, during my bachelor's at IPCA. They took us on a special tour to Fabamaq’s old offices and Invictvs Game Jam happened at the end of that year.

I attended the event naturally. I was on another Game Jam and Rui Esteves (a former Fabamaq Gamer) challenged me to attend Invictvs and I accepted it. The event happened in September and I attended mostly to live an experience with my friends developing games. I didn’t have advanced knowledge in programming yet.

Did the event influence your perception of Fabamaq?

I didn’t evaluate the company based on what happened at Invictvs Game Jam. I had a positive impression of the event because of the people that I met there. They were very kind and helpful and this had a positive impact in a certain way.

What is the image that comes to your mind when you remember Invictvs Game Jam? 

Without any bias, because now I work at Fabamaq, the Invictvs Game Jam was the best Game Jam I attended. There was a Yoga session, games between the attendees and lots of food. The combination between the event’s offer and the people attending was a fantastic output.

What are the sensations that Invictvs Game Jam comeback provokes in you?

I get a bit nostalgic remembering these days. I think that is a coincidence, but at that time I thought: “I would like to work here”. My professional journey took a different path meanwhile and I ended up having an experience in the cybersecurity area. But, along the journey, and especially after my visit to the office and the attendance at Invictvs Game Jam, I got that feeling that working for this company would be a nice thing for me and now I will live the event inside the company.

The second edition of Invictvs Game Jam happens on November 19th, 20th and 21st at Fabamaq’s office. The event organized by Fabamaq will present a hybrid program (combining digital and physical activities) and it is sold out. 

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