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Life is a game and Fabamaq's has new levels ahead

Life is a game full of changes and challenges, and the story of FMQ – Fabamaq proves just that. In just over nine years, we have always known how to recognize the next level and grow until we reach it. That's how we transformed a company of nine gamers into one of the references in Porto's technological hub in less than a decade. That's how we surpassed the barriers of different markets and brought technology from Portugal to other geographies in Europe, South America, and Asia. That's how we were "forced" to move homes due to the growth we experienced. And that's how we will continue to face the new levels ahead of us.

The text we share today with our community of gamers, stakeholders, or followers is certainly the most complex challenge since we opened this blog. Nuno Gonçalinho, the face and maximum representative of Fabamaq's DNA, has made the decision to embrace a new professional project. As everyone knows, Fabamaq's journey is umbilically linked to Nuno Gonçalinho's. Present and influential in Fabamaq's direction from day one, it was largely Nuno's vision, leadership, and perseverance that paved the way for the growth we have experienced.

In Nuno Gonçalinho's journey of over nine years at the helm of FMQ, some marks are well highlighted. The closeness he has always been able to create with gamers, which was an undeniable kick-off for the distinct and informal culture disseminated by the company. The management of change as a natural and positive factor for strengthening competitiveness and the natural development of the business. The negotiation skills and the ability to "do what it takes" that he has always demonstrated in key moments of the company, propelling Fabamaq to sustained growth throughout its history.

More than just recognizing Nuno's technical or personal skills as a leader and manager in writing, there is a "work done" that speaks for itself. A community of gamers engaged and committed to Fabamaq, which as a result has established itself in the technological panorama of the city and continues with ambitious growth plans.


The future has new levels to achieve

With this news, we are now experiencing a period of restructuring and preparation for the next levels ahead. It is another moment where our flexibility and maturity as a company will be put to the test. The CEO figure is now absent from Fabamaq's organizational structure, with all technological and product development now falling under the responsibility of the COO – Chief Operations Officer.

João Maia, a gamer who has also been with Fabamaq since 2010, is the new COO of the company. João joined Fabamaq as a Software Developer and, during his journey in the company, has always shown the required flexibility to embrace new challenges and the competence needed to overcome them with distinction. After four years as a Software Developer, he evolved into the Game Math team, having managed and led this team until assuming the role of Chief Intelligence Officer in August 2017.

With the new role, João Maia will be responsible for all operational aspects of the company. Productive force, responsiveness, and the enhancement of the "nurturing" environment among gamers are the COO's focus so that the company can continue to create better games and software. For the future, the COO has also pointed out the perfect balance between product level and technology as a fundamental goal for Fabamaq to continue innovating and adding value in the casino game development market.

So, let's all together once again move on to the next levels!

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