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Team building - How I've Missed It

It was on October 19th that FMQ's third team building took place. The purpose of any team building is to strengthen relationships between teams, fostering the evolution of the company itself through original activities that push participants out of their comfort zone. With already 150 gamers (we grew 25% in the last year!), an activity like this is the perfect excuse to gather the whole family and get to know faces that may still be unfamiliar to us.

This year's team building differed significantly from previous ones, which were more focused on physical dynamics (Porto Gamers & Grand Traditional Gaming). It was divided into three main moments.

In a first approach, we got to know the new building. It's true, we're moving from Avenida da Boavista to Rua do Campo Alegre, and this time to a place of our own, built from scratch. The move should take place later this year! For this reason, we invited architect Miguel Perfeito to provide us with some background on the building's genesis and logic.

After the presentations, we had a free exploration of the nooks of our future home. Spread across the worktables were photographs of important moments in the lives of our gamers at FMQ. The intention was to revisit our memories and bring our best memories to the new headquarters. Each gamer chose a photograph from those on display and received a post-it to add a written message. And in the end, everyone stuck the photographs and post-its on a large panel. Together, we realized how much we have grown during these 8 and a half years, and the pride we can feel in seeing the company we work for grow and become an adult! And the journey has only just begun.

In the second part, we went to Clube Toda a Prova, where the rest of the event took place. Here, the challenge was to create a musical dynamic using percussion objects and everyday items. The gamers were divided into teams, and each team had 20 minutes to prepare a musical presentation. The final show was filled with creativity and good laughs, including a hint of break-dancing and samba, such is the talent and versatility of our gamers.

The space decoration was allusive to a typical fair - there were stalls of traditional games, foosball tables, wheels of fortune, music - because what we wanted from the party was for it to be joyful, relaxed, informal, and very lively. The third moment was the dinner with live band. We chose to create an outdoor dinner, something risky for October, but we were blessed with excellent weather for a barbecue! The musical moment did not disappoint, also very typical of a fair. Thanks to the popular music band "Água na Boca" that was very successful!

Team buildings also serve to make amends with that colleague who gives us one more grey hair during the year, and this event was no exception. In the end, the important thing was that we could be closer and even happier. Everything was done with each of our gamers in mind :)

In the coming weeks, the event video will be released :D

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