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Crucial for creating moments of tension and capable of influencing the players' mood throughout different parts of the game, Sound Designers have a challenging and important role in the development of casino games. Their goal is to add value to the gaming experience through music and to avoid scenarios of "Quit" and "Mute" at all costs. Their ears are responsible for curating the sound of the games developed. Curious to know more about their impact on games? Let's explore the role of Sound Designers through some questions and a handful of facts!

If you're not familiar with the gaming industry, the first question will probably be:

So, what does the sound design team do?

The work of the sound team includes two main responsibilities in the game. The first is related to sound design and encompasses all the work done that is not purely musical. This category includes sounds of small details in the game such as buttons, decks of cards, dice, among others.

The second part concerns purely musical work. In this aspect, we consider the musical creation of moments for different parts of the game. A casino game includes ambient music for different moments and situations – main gameplay, wins, bonus, and free spins, for example – as well as their respective transitions.

What should we consider as Sound Designers?

Creating sounds for casino games brings multiple concerns. Our first consideration is: we have to create something that won't make the player mute us (in the case of online games) or leave the game and look for other options (valid for online and land-based). Our purpose is to create harmonious sounds that fit the gameplay and keep the player engaged.

In our work, we also have to understand that sound doesn't exist alone in the game package. Therefore, the rhythm of the sound must follow the pace of the gameplay to provide a good gaming experience and the appropriate emotional build-up.

Behind any game, there is also a concept and a theme agreed upon with the client. As Sound Designers, it's our role to build a "sound image" that contributes positively to the defined concept. It's not enough to align the music and all sound details with the graphic design. Our action should take the product to a higher level without generating the feeling of intrusion (or irritation) for the person on the other side of the screen. The same care applies to the type of game. FMQ develops different types of games (bingo, slots, baccarat, blackjack, poker), so there are specific approaches and considerations to take for each category.

Another relevant aspect is the profile of the players. The information provided by the product owners significantly impacts our creative process and its boundaries. We will translate these concerns into practice. If we have the challenge of creating sound for a mystical game, with wizards and magical creatures, probably rock n' roll wouldn't be the best choice for a suitable sound experience.

Regarding the players' profile, we have to adapt the rhythm to the defined target. If the target are high rollers (people who wager large amounts per play and, consequently, have a shorter period of activity in the game), probably the music and sound effects will be more present and energetic. If the target are slow players (people who wager small amounts on each play and, therefore, play for longer periods), we will probably build a smoother sound experience.

What are the differences between developing sounds for physical machines and for digital ones?

Usually, the land-based environment contains more noise and distractions. In these cases, the main goal is, at first, to capture players' attention to ensure they play the title developed by us and not the one on the next machine. Secondly, the sound should be designed to ensure that the player remains focused mainly on what happens on the screen. Furthermore, the land-based segment doesn't include the "mute" option. Players can decrease or increase the game volume, but not mute it.

The online segment has a different focus. The first concern is to keep the person in the game for as long as possible and with the sound on to ensure we create the desired emotional impact. In the digital environment, the "mute" option is a reality, and this fact leads us to think about different approaches for the same game, considering the goals of the land-based version and the goals of the online version.

5 Facts About the Role of Sound Designers


  1. On average, a casino game has 3 music tracks and calls more than 60 sound design files;
  2. Online casino games can include between 7 and 10 musical moments;
  3. Each musical moment may require between 1 and 3 weeks of development depending on complexity and duration.


  1. Sounds help change people's perception by 24% on "winning" plays that were actually losses for the player (example: the player bets 5 euros and collects 2.5 euros)*.
  2. Background music can have an impact of up to 60% on the perception of a product**.

* "The Impact of Sound in Modern Multiline Video Slot Machine Play" (Authors: Mike J. Dixon, Kevin A. Harrigan, Diane L. Santesso, Candice Graydon, Jonathan A. Fugelsang, Karen Collin)
** "Wine & Song:The Effect of Background Music on the Taste of Wine" (Author: Dr. Adrian C. North)

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