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Once upon a time, a Shadowing experience at Fabamaq

There are several ways to learn. Traditional training is changing and reinventing itself, giving rise to new learning formats that value more direct sharing among peers in a practical context. That's why we decided to give Shadowing a chance at Fabamaq.

This concept allows a person to develop important skills for their career by shadowing someone who performs the same role in another company for a limited period of time. The central purpose is to leave the professional environment we are in and enter another organization with the aim of reviewing or learning new concepts and approaches to the professional challenges that arise.

The participants of this pilot test were Diogo Lourenço, a product manager at Fabamaq, and Joana Linhas, who works in project and team management at Codigree. For two days, Diogo welcomed Joana to our multidisciplinary SpinOFF team to show her how product management is done at Fabamaq. The summary and assessment of the experience are in the video below.


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