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Fabamaq Graduation: +70.000€ for courses

Fabamaq launches Fabamaq Graduation and liberates 70.000 euros for Gamers to invest in learning. The program funds partially or entirely the courses selected by each worker. For that, Fabamaq Graduation provides a fixed and annual budget.
Fabamaq Graduation reinforces the company's investment in the personal development of its Gamers, as well as the perks pack offered to the actual and potential employees. Investment in learning has always been a priority for Fabamaq. Until today, the company defined an annual Training Plan and a budget for each team. This value then splits among the team members.
From now on, Fabamaq Graduation will coexist with the investment of the annual Training Plan. The combination described will facilitate knowledge acquisition for each Gamer and, consequently, for the organization. This means that, besides the existing annual Training Plan, each Gamer will have 350 euros available to invest in the development of relevant skills for their role in the company during 2022.
For João Maia, Chief Operations Officer at Fabamaq, the launch of Fabamaq Graduation is an investment with benefits for the company. “Fabamaq Graduation is the concretization of one of the key ideas of our culture. We believe that individual curiosity and the willingness to know more bring a positive return for the future. I’m sure that this perk that we are adding to our Gamers will make us more competitive and generate significative growth for each employee, and, of course, for the company”, completed João Maia.
The Fabamaq Graduation perk is available for all current employees. It is also available for new Gamers. In this case, the budget will be proportional to the remaining service time of the first year in the company. The program funds all courses that can be connected to Fabamaq’s activity and relevant to optimize Gamers' performance on their daily job.

Fabamaq’s operation keeps growing. The company beated the 220 Gamers barrier in 2022 and has open positions for different teams. From Game Math to Game Development, passing by Project Management and several software development teams, there are different job opportunities to explore at https://bit.ly/fabamaq-careers.

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