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DEV CLUB at FMQ for programming enthusiasts

There is a new club at Fabamaq and it is all about programming languages, challenges and tech curiosities! The new DEV CLUB brings unstructured and informal sessions to Gamers who are eager to learn from others’ experiences and know-how. Discover more about the project today!

Developing casino games from scratch is a complex process. There are numerous obstacles along the way which developers must face during the game creation process, so frustration and creative blocks happen all the time.

Nonetheless, curiosity can lead to finding better solutions, so creating a safe space that allows moments of sharing about our “pains” and accomplishments was an idea that emerged from two of our gamers. But what really is DEV CLUB? Let’s learn all about it.

All about the DEV CLUB at Fabamaq

Programming land-based and online casino games require skill and critical thinking. For that reason, gamers at Fabamaq have been feeling the need to debate subjects related to game development, a natural feeling as proximity and sharing are part of the company’s core values.

In moments of struggle for developers, “Google it” is always a common getaway to find the best, fastest answer. But curiosity is part of humankind and nothing better than creating a group that promotes give-and-take sessions in a relaxed environment. This is how DEV CLUB is born, aiming to stimulate curiosity among gamers on what software development is concerned about without imposing speakers, topics or rules.


DEV CLUB: an old wish comes to life

The kick-off for the creation of DEV CLUB was made by two gamers atFabamaq: Luciano Silva and David Caminha, both Senior Software Engineers at the departments of Embedded Systems and Server Development, respectively.

“With the promotion of the DEV CLUB sessions, our intention is to allow moments of learning with zero boundaries and limitations regarding what areas to approach or which speakers to invite”, explains David Caminha. Luciano Silva adds that “the willingness to collectively learn has always been a unanimous attribute to our teams and to the organization, therefore it is a project our gamers have been longing for quite some time now”.

Through this initiative, Fabamaq ends up stimulating its gamers' time for reflection and problem-solving, increasing the company’s level of collective knowledge and feeding the love for programming while talking about existing problems and triggers.

Apart from theory, DEV CLUB also includes networking moments so that the dialogue and interaction between game developers remain, even in more relaxed contexts.


A benefit for both young and experienced developers at DEV CLUB

The first two DEV CLUB sessions had the participation of dozens of gamers in a hybrid format. In its debut session, Luciano Silva introduced the topic “C++ Shared Pointers”. The second session was conducted by Mário Esteves, who took the initiative to collectively think about the subject “RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization)”. The third session happened last Thursday and David Caminha brought to the table the topic “Obstacles software engineers face during the development stage”.

More than encouraging the internal sharing of relevant topics, the subjects discussed at DEV CLUB can be quite beneficial not only for the company’s collective knowledge but also to its community of Junior Developers.

Having a young and curiosity-driven internal audience, as Fabamaq does, means the perfect opportunity to try different approaches with experienced developers and to test creative solutions to face complications that are naturally linked to the work of a programmer.

Moreover, the real boost to DEV CLUB’s growth relies solely and organically on the will of its participants. Only the curiosity and individual initiative of its gamers will be able to feed this project and make it thrive.


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